concussion shock absorber

concussion shock absorber
рессорный амортизатор

Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению. 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "concussion shock absorber" в других словарях:

  • shock absorber — /ˈʃɒk əbsɔbə/ (say shok uhbsawbuh) noun 1. Machinery a device for deadening shock or concussion, especially one on a motor vehicle for checking sudden or excessive movements of the suspension. 2. Aeronautics the part of an aircraft undercarriage… …  

  • shock — shock1 [shäk] n. [Fr choc < choquer: see SHOCK1 the vt.] 1. the impact of persons, forces, etc. in combat or collision 2. a) a sudden, powerful concussion; violent blow, shake, or jar [the shock of an earthquake] b) the result or effect of s …   English World dictionary

  • shock — I. noun Etymology: Middle English; akin to Middle High German schoc heap Date: 14th century a pile of sheaves of grain or stalks of Indian corn set up in a field with the butt ends down II. transitive verb Date: 15th century to collect into… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Horse hoof — A horse hoof is a structure surrounding the distal phalanx of the 3rd digit (digit III of the basic pentadactyl limb of vertebrates, evolved into a single weight bearing digit in equids) of each of the four limbs of Equus species, which is… …   Wikipedia

  • BTR-50 — Infobox Weapon name=BTR 50 caption=Ex Syrian or ex Egyptian BTR 50PK APC in Yad la Shiryon Museum, Israel. 2005. origin=USSR type=Amphibious Tracked Armoured Personnel Carrier is vehicle=yes service=1954 present used by=See Operators. wars=See… …   Wikipedia

  • List of minor Star Wars droids — This article is about minor droids in the fictional Star Wars universe. It includes specific droids units, examples of those within the Star Wars universe, and some minor droid types, but not examples such as protocol droids and battle droids.2… …   Wikipedia

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